
Clean Architecture - Build Layered Architecture with ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework Core in a Real-Word Example

In this Book we will show how to build layered web application on ASP.NET Core Web application using Entity Framework and Razor Pages. By the end of the Book, we will have an web application which implemented e-commerce demonstrating a layered application architecture with DDD best practices.

You'll learn how to: Apply Clean Architecture with SOLID and Clean Code- Domain Driven Design (Layers and Domain Model Pattern)- Repository and Generic Repository- Specification Pattern- Unit of Work- E&E e-commerce theme implementation- Full development of e-commerce use cases of northwind database- Business rule check, domain policy apply and validations- Authentication, identity module and identity configuration- core built-in dependency injection- Authorization for Products Page- Aspnet core razor tools - View Components, partial Views, Tag Helpers, Model Bindings and Validations, Razor Sections etc..

You will get the Job

Onboarding to Senior .NET Core Developer jobs

This series of books prepared you to real-world jobs in any level. It proceeds with Junior to Full-Stack level. You can start from scratch of core and onboard yourself the full stack positions of core jobs or if you have infrastructure of core, you will be expand your skills with advanced books which include best practices implemented design patterns, clean architecture, SOLID principles etc..

Junior .Net Core Developer

Senior .Net Core Developer

Full Stack .Net Core Developer

Github Community

Update repositories with every version of ASP.Net Core and Angular.

Step by Step Documentation

Update documents in any changes of the repositories with step by step explanation.

RealWorld Design

Use the real-world templates which already using enterprice applications.

Onboarding Jobs

Preapare for specific core jobs which include software architecture best practices.